Maritime Safety

Of all the major sectors in the world, shipping is arguably the most global and also one of the riskiest. It has long been acknowledged that creating international rules that are adhered to by all shipping nations is the greatest method to increase maritime safety.

When the Merchant Seaman program was established in 2015, one of its main goals was to adopt a teaching strategy that would help students learn skills that were compatible with the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), the most significant treaty pertaining to maritime safety.

Global standards for seafarers, international conventions and codes relating to search and rescue, facilitating international maritime traffic, load lines, the carriage of dangerous goods, and tonnage measurement have also been developed and adopted by Merchant Seaman.

The senior technical body for safety-related issues among merchant seamen is the Maritime Safety Committee. It receives assistance from several Sub-Committees in its work:

What is Maritime safety?

The set of precautions taken to safeguard people and property at sea is known as maritime safety. The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), specifically, is where the rules originate. The SOLAS regulations include everything from deciding how frequently ships must be inspected to putting certified life-saving equipment into use.

Sailors are also guaranteed that best standards and protocols are followed at sea thanks to crewmember training and certification. During her training, the merchant seaman academy meticulously records and monitors international shipping safety issues, but the institution is also in charge of stopping marine and atmospheric pollution.

the main risk faced by maritime workers inlcudes:


Respiratory Disease

Fire and Explossion

Falling object

Extreme Temperature

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